Piusi PDC Coupler for Use with Totes Drums DEF
Piusi F1891000 - Premium Quality - Italian Made!
The new PDC connector allows for quick and safe connection
to totes and drums equipped with a stainless steel container
valve. Easy to use and lockable for added security. Coupled
with the IBC cover the Piusi DEF Coupler guarantees no leaks
or spills from faulty connections. It can even be used to
connect the Rotary Hand Pump to a drum with the PDC
adapter (required for a closed loop system). This is just
another addition to Piusi's DEF Accessories lineup to make
your DEF transfer safer and easier.
Additional part numbers:
PDC adapter (for DEF rotary hand pump): F20195000
RSV Reusable Stainless steel container Valve: F17137000
The DEF systems used on North American heavy duty diesel
trucks are adapted from systems that were already in use in
Europe. Piusi is the leader in providing DEF fluid management
systems throughout the European continent. Piusi has been in
business since 1953, with their USA branch operating since
2009. No worries! Buy Piusi, the best in the business!