Hylomar HyloClean 400ml Degreaser and Gasket Remover
SKU 61701(01
HYLOCLEAN is a specially blended cleaning fluid that is highly effective at removing used Hylomar jointing compound from disassembled joint surfaces. The unique mix of solvents also make it perfect for cleaning and de-greasing surfaces prior to use with any of Hylomar’s range of adhesives and sealants. It is also very effective at removing uncured anaerobic, uncured silicone and uncured epoxy products.
HYLOCLEAN can be used for:
- Removing Hylomar M, Hylomar Universal Blue, Hylomar AF and Hylomar Aerograde, uncured HYLOGRIP anaerobic products, uncured HYLOBOND epoxy and acrylic adhesives and Hylotyte Red.
- De-greasing metal components – will remove most oils, lubricating fluids, metal cuttings and dirt from any metal surface.
HYLOCLEAN does not leave a residue and evaporates quickly after application.